Most dental plans cover dentures, which often means that dentures are the most affordable choice for many people. Dentures do require more care than other more permanent tooth replacement options like dental implants and bridges, however.
You’ll need to remove your dentures daily and clean them using a brush and cleaner designed for dentures. Don’t use regular toothpaste or a toothbrush because these are often too abrasive and can scratch the finish on your dentures. If this happens, your dentures will more easily attract stains and can also trap bacteria, which leads to bad breath.
When you are cleaning your dentures, be very careful to avoid falls. If your denture does happen to fall on the counter or on the floor, please bring it into our office so that we can check for damage. Sometimes, damage occurs that you may not be able to see, but continuing to wear a damaged denture will be uncomfortable and can lead to sores.
Your dentures should not be allowed to dry out or be exposed to heat because both of these can cause the appliance to warp.
We’ll provide you with other tips and recommendations to help you keep your dentures looking and feeling great. We offer denture repairs and relines, which can help extend the life of your dentures, so don’t hesitate to call us any time you have a question or a concern.